What Should You Do If Your Rental Has Mold?

Mold is considered an environmental hazard and must be dealt with immediately. Depending on the cause, you may be held liable as a landlord. For example, say your tenant complains about water leaks you haven’t repaired, and the excess water causes mold. If this mold results in injuries, hospitalization or other out-of-pocket health expenses, the landlord may be liable for covering all of those costs.

However, sometimes the mold is caused by the actions of the tenant. If the tenant keeps the unit wet, humid, and dirty for extended periods of time, you cannot be held liable for any mold growth and resulting injuries. In fact, you may have the right to be compensated for the damage done to your property.

The laws on mold exposure limits vary by state and city. For example, in California, a landlord must disclose to the tenant as well as other potential renters whether or not there is any presence of mold or a suspected presence of mold in the rental.

You can learn more information about your State laws regarding mold at the Health and Environmental Agency.